Signposting Your Language: Guide and Clarify Ideas

July 5, 2023

Have you ever been in a meeting and felt lost or confused? The absence of signposting language might be the culprit! Download our guide to explore the power of signposting words and phrases, which play a pivotal role in guiding an audience through your ideas, maintaining a logical order, and ensuring a smooth and coherent experience.

Signposting language acts as a navigational system. It consists of small, seemingly insignificant words or phrases that facilitate the audience’s understanding of your subject, illuminate the relationships between ideas, and create an anticipation for what lies ahead.

These remarkable signposting words also prove invaluable in the introduction of your presentation, as they serve as beacons signalling the structure that lies ahead. Furthermore, echoing these words in the opening lines of subsequent topics provides a seamless transition, showcasing how each idea relates to the previous one.

So, let's celebrate the unsung heroes of effective communication - signposting words! They enable your ideas to shine through, ensuring your message reaches its destination with clarity and impact. Incorporating these small yet mighty linguistic tools into your presentations and writing repertoire will elevate your communication skills and captivate your audience.

Inspired? Would you benefit from Engaging Virtual Meetings, International Presentation Skills, Writing Skills for Business or Business & General English training? If so, please contact us for further details.

Babel Group Signposting Your Language
Babel Group Signposting Your Language


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