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June 11, 2020
With the coronavirus shutdown, millions of people have found themselves at home searching for creative ways to use their increased leisure time and focus on something productive and positive.
For a country supposedly unenthusiastic about speaking other languages, a study has found that the British have been turning in numbers to learning a language. One popular language learning app has claimed increased usage of more than 200%, while we have experienced a rise in new enquiries and take up of our online courses. Our client’s remote teams have discovered language learning as a fruitful way to spend time together.
Well, we all know learning a new language is not an easy task even though the benefits of learning a second language are well documented. So if you've made language learning a new hobby over these last few months, I offer you some hints to help you achieve your goal.
Inspired to get started? To learn more about our online interactive lessons with a native-speaking personal tutor, drop me a line at
"Each year the Babel module is rated 'outstanding' by our graduates. They feel really engaged and encouraged to learn and although some of them may have studied these topics at university, they have never experienced the content within such a multi-cultural group and the advice offered by top trainers. The graduates are excited to network with fellow colleagues from different offices and cultures and Babel's programme enables us to do this perfectly."
Graduate Development Programme
"I very much enjoy my Italian lessons and I have struck up a real bond with my tutor. I hope to be able to continue with my Italian studies!"
Italian Language Lessons
Invesco Perpetual