Influencing & Persuading

Embark on a transformative journey with our "Influencing and Persuading" course, designed to empower you with the skills needed to make impactful recommendations that resonate with your audience. The course's aim is clear: to enable you to craft compelling proposals that people not only listen to but act upon. Throughout the programme, you'll master the art of 'disciplined empathy,' honing the ability to see situations from your listeners' perspectives. Gain insights into your own influencing style, understanding its nuances and learning when to deploy a diverse set of tools and techniques. From building rapport to handling opposition with assertiveness, the course covers essential topics like modeling others' values, constructing convincing arguments, overcoming resistance, and navigating the politics of influence across various professional relationships. Elevate your ability to address crucial situations with confidence, employing a comprehensive skill set that combines sensitivity, intuition, and strategic frameworks.

Contact us to learn more and unlock the potential to effectively lead and guide others in a variety of contexts.

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